Shipping policy

Shipping Policy

  • We can ship to most countries in the world.
    You can click on the product and select checkout, then you can see if this product can be delivered to that destination country.
  • We will ship within 1-2 business days after the receipt of payment.
  • Traceable Registered Post with Tracking no. (( Mail Tracking ))
  • Orders will be processed within 1 business day of ordering and shipped the next day after the processing day. 24/7 Hours customer support. 

Free Shipping Worldwide For All Orders and 100% TAX FREE

 We can ship worldwide.

Ships To  Standard Delivery (working days)
Australia 5-8 Days
New Zealand 5-8 Days
United States 5-9 Days
Canada 5-9 Days
Israel 10-15 Days
Chile 10-15Days
Mexico 10-15 Days
Europe (others) 5-10 Days
Ships To  Standard Delivery (working days)
Italy 5-10 Days
Spain 5-10 Days
United Kingdom 5-8 Days
France 5-10 Days
Germany 5-10 Days
Portugal 5-10 Days
Ireland 5-10 Days
Europe (others) 5-10 Days

*Please note that these are estimated delivery times only, therefore is not guaranteeing delivery dates. Please understand that the delivery time may be extended due to the transport issues or insufficient stock of some goods. We have China warehouses, Australia, New Zealand United States warehouses to send.
By default, Send from the China warehouse. Australia, New Zealand, US orders will be given priority to match local warehouses for delivery.

If you need to return a product, please contact us as soon as possible by emailing us to [email protected]